
The lombardy life science cluster promotes interaction between members; supports the implementation of joint projects; dialogues with institutions; facilitates the creation of new partnerships, also at international level; optimises technology transfer and the creation of new enterprises; identifies and anticipates national and international strategic trends; encourages the growth of skills and resources in the area, Catalysing their systemisation and facilitating access to infrastructures.

Research and open innovation

Networking & community

Visibility and representation

Research and open innovation

In this context, the cluster encourages the development of r&i skills in the lombardy ecosystem, both public and private, to promote lombardy as a hub of excellence for research and innovation by fostering the process of technology transfer and the collaboration between business and research.

Networking & community sharing

The cluster facilitates the exchange of knowledge and know-how on r&i, strengthening the development of the life science community in lombardy, offering the opportunity to establish contact with potential partners, also through its network.

Visibility and representation

Another core objective of the cluster is to increase visibility of the lombardy value chain both in the national and international scene. Furthermore, the cluster daily represents the needs and interests of the lombardy life science sector to the regional and national governments, contributing to define the development and strategic trends at regional, national and eu level.