Strategic trends
Smart specialisation strategy

S3 is the document that guides research and innovation policies in the Lombardy Region, identifying priorities, challenges and actions. The Lombardy Region involved the Lombardy Technology Clusters in defining S3 2021-2027, identifying two ambitious challenges for its R&I policy:
Support industrial transformation towards digital transition and sustainable development to grasp the new needs of citizens faster and more effectively;
Increase the Lombardy system’s resilience and adaptability to rapid changes in the economic-productive and social environment to ensure the safety of citizens.
The investment areas on which Lombardy will focus in the current EU programming will be set out in the R&I Work Programmes, which will address the challenges identified by Lombardy’s S3 with specific and targeted interventions.
The Lombardy Region focuses on emerging industries and, in particular, on supporting companies in cooperation with research organisations.
In addition to representing the health and life science ecosystem of Lombardy with all its members, the Cluster is the launch pad for programmes defined for the coming years. It is an essential setting to observe the effectiveness of measures developed and launched within the framework of the Strategy. The Cluster has, therefore, actively contributed to the identification of development themes related to specialisation areas, precisely because of its ability to bring together the various players active in the field of research and innovation, precisely companies, universities, research centres, public and private institutions and other entities, including financial ones.