Ricerca partner tecnologici internazionali dedicati alla filiera scienze della vita – gennaio 2019

Sportello Europa Cluster Life Science

Lo Sportello Europa Cluster Life Science segnala le seguenti ricerche per partner tecnologici internazionali dedicati alla filiera delle scienze della vita.

Pe rinoltrare i propri riferimenti o per chiedere ulteriori informazioni inviare una mail a cluster@lombardialifesciences.it e een1@confindustria.lombardia.it.

Lo Sportello Europa Cluster Life Science è inoltre a vostra disposizione per approfondire e valutare idee e proposte da presentare nell’ambito di programmi europei (Horizon 2020, IMI2, SME Instrument ….). Per ulteriori informazioni e per fissare un incontro gratuito invia una mail a cluster@lombardialifesciences.it e een1@confindustria.lombardia.it.

Titolo POD Ref. Tipologia Descrizione Leggi il profilo
A Japanese collagen manufacturer is looking for partners in Europe in terms of research and/or technical cooperation TOJP20180316001 Technology Offer Expert in the manufacturing of medical-grade collagen, the Japanese company is looking for EU partners, such as academic institutes and companies in the sector of life science or medical, to initiate possible research or technical cooperation. The company spent many decades developing innovative application of collagen and accumulated extensive know-how for fabricating various shaped collagen scaffolds and virus-free sustained-release transfection reagents.

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A Swedish company are looking for distributors and manufacturers of chromatographic instruments for distribution service agreements BOSE20180308001 Business Offer A Swedish company specialized in products for analysis of ions are now looking for distribution service agreements with distributors and manufacturers of instruments for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ion chromatography (IC) that want to improve and broadening their offer to customers in the field of ion chromatography by adding the company´s chemical membrane suppressor and automatic suppressor regenerator to their product portfolio.

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A Dutch based medical device multinational is looking for an alternative material or solution to a currently used Nitinol hypo tube TRNL20180625002 Technology Request A Netherlands based worldwide operating medical device producer is looking for a new material, alloy or component for the replacement of Nitinol hypo tube within a catheter application. The requested solution should be inexpensive and must meet strict medical requirements. The company is looking for a collaboration with industrial partners or research and development groups and envisions a license agreement or a technical cooperation agreement.

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H2020-FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020: SMEs with expertise in reproductive tissue engineering in 3D sought for a project on improving animal and human reproductive performance and health RDES20190122001 Research and Development A Spanish research centre working in agriculture and husbandry is preparing a proposal for the call H-2020-FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020: FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking. The project will develop a 3D cell culture model of the female reproductive system (human, bovine, porcine and dog) with the aim of improving animal and human reproductive performance and health. The partners sought are SMEs with expertise in reproductive tissue engineering in 3D.

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EIT Health: aperti i nuovi bandi Flagship

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Malattie metaboliche e cardiovascolari: nuovo bando per progetti di ricerca

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EIT Health Catapult: al via il programma di accelerazione per start-up europee

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MUR: nuovo bando per progetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale

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STAGE Financial Grant Programme: pubblicata la quarta call a sostegno delle PMI

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Tra Tecnologia e Compliance: come affrontare lo sviluppo di SaMD e DTx

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Frontiers Health 2024

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European Cancer Summit 2024

Il 20 e il 21 novembre 2024, si terrà a Bruxelles l’edizione 2024 dello European Cancer Summit. L’evento riunirà la comunità oncologica per...
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European Innovation Council (EIC) Info Day in Italy

Il 17 settembre 2024 l’European Innovation Council (EIC), in collaborazione con APRE e CDP Venture Capital, ha organizzato...
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