La nuova Call4Ideas Super Sapiens Day Factory di Scientifica Venture Capital ha l’obiettivo di sostenere 20 idee tecnologiche innovative sviluppate da ricercatori e start-up a partire dal processo di crescita fino al lancio sul mercato, tenendo conto della sostenibilità economica, sociale e ambientale.
La call è stata divisa in 6 filoni:
- artificial intelligence/cyber security (Edge AI, cybersecurity AI, AI powered new material discovery, digital twin, generative AI, consumer AI, AI automation platforms);
- aerospace (autonomous drones, new material discovery, sustainable launch & flight technologies, satellite IoT systems, in-orbit services, advanced ground systems, space traffic management, space food, space clothes & accessories);
- climate tech (new materials for carbon neutral or carbon negative economies, more sustainable energy technologies, AI powered energy technologies, advanced materials for clean energy technologies);
- advanced manufacturing (additive manufacturing with carbon neutral or carbon negative materials, 4D printing, advanced materials, composites for additive manufacturing, automation and robotics for renewable construction);
- medtech/life science (green pharmaceuticals, new materials for medical devices, drug discovery, innovative medical devices & healthcare AI);
- quantum technologies (quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum sensing and imaging, quantum simulators).
Possono candidarsi, entro il 12 luglio 2023, start-up innovative, PMI innovative, spin-off di ricerca e team non ancora costituiti.
Scientifica Venture Capital erogherà un voucher di investimento dal valore compreso tra 50.000 € e 500.000 € per ogni progetto vincitore.
Tutte le informazioni qui.