Sono stati pubblicati i risultati della Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2022.
14 i consorzi selezionati che riceveranno un finanziamento complessivo pari a €15,1 milioni per sviluppare nuovi approcci traslazionali affrontando le sfide dei tumori difficili da trattare.
I progetti si occuperanno del rilevamento precoce dei tumori attraverso strumenti innovativi, implementando l’efficacia di rilevamento, diagnosi, prognosi e trattamento dei tumori, attraverso collaborazioni multidisciplinari e multiprofessionali.
Di seguito i progetti selezionati. Evidenziati in grassetto quelli che coinvolgono ricercatori di enti soci del Cluster.
- ANGELA – Early detection of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma with the Cytosponge coupled with molecular biomarkers and machine learning
- BileCanMet – Precision medicine in cholangiocarcinoma: accurate tools for early detection and identification of PRMT5 as a novel pharmacological target
- CAR4PDAC – Hijacking stroma antigens for CAR-T cell immunotherapy of PDAC
- iCC-Strat – Risk stratification and subtyping of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma for early detection of recurrence and response to immuno-therapy
- IdeaTMEHCC – Identification of therapeutic targets using HCC DErived organoid Augmented with TME components.
- MATTO-GBM – Multimodality Artificial intelligence open-source Tools for Radiation Treatment Optimization in patients with Glioblastoma
- NK-4-GBM – Metabolically optimised NK cell therapies for Glioblastoma
- PaCaNano – Development of a pancreatic cancer drug-nanocarrier system selectively targeting tumour cells and tumour stroma to overcome treatment failure
- PANC-P53 – Innovative peptide- and RNA-based strategies to modulate p53 for pancreatic cancer therapy
- PLASTIG – Tackling tumor heterogeneity and PLASTIcity as resistance mechanisms in Glioblastoma
- PRECEDENCE – Genotype matched therapies in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: a multi-pronged strategy for improving efficacy and combating resistance.
- ReachGLIO – Reaching the heterogeneous vascular landscape of glioblastoma with multifunctional nanomedicines.
- SIMMBAP – Systemic immunological determinants of tumor evolution and therapy response in BRCA-mutated pancreatic cancer
- T-Plex EAC – T-Plex-Capture: Isolation of neoantigen-specific CD8+ T cell receptors for patient-specific immunotherapy in esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC)
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