High-Level Conference on the Value and Role of Incentives in Life Science


martedì 7 Novembre 2023    
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April 26, 2023, the Commission adopted the proposal for a reform of the EU pharmaceutical legislation (so-called General Pharmaceutical Legislation, GPL) with the aim of improving the accessibility and availability of innovative medicines for European patients and ensuring Europe’s global competitiveness in the field of innovation. The proposal contains, among others, measures to simplify and accelerate regulatory processes or calls for a cut of the baseline for Regulatory Data Protection (RDP).

Four national associations of the innovative pharmaceutical industry, Czech AIFP, Swedish Lif, Spanish Farmaindustria, and Belgian pharma.be with the support of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), are organising a high-level conference under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.

The content of the conference will focus on incentives for the innovation of medicines, in particular intellectual property rights, their role from an investment decision-making perspective of innovative companies, a comparison across continents, and an assessment of their impact on health systems, the health of European citizens, and the availability of innovative treatments in Europe. Furthermore, it will strive to answer questions about how the above will be affected by the proposed reform of the European legislative framework for medicines and its potential to improve the European situation.


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